Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fresco: "MMXVII (2017)"

Anthony Colletti aka Fresco is a Hip Hop artist born and raised in Rockford, Illinois. Fresco Graduated from Madison Media Institute earning a degree in Audio Engineering. I first was introduced to Fresco after watching a couple of his freestyle battles on YouTube such as GrindTime and "America's Largest Hip Hop Festival" Scribble Jam.

What is behind the name Fresco?
Fresco means Fresh in Italian, I'm fresh and Italian so I thought it fit. I actually got the name from DaVinci's art style awhile back.

When did you start to create music?
I used to dabble and write verses, but I didn't take music seriously until this past march when I began working with Soleternity. He's been a huge inspiration and it's been a pleasure to work with such a seasoned vet.

How did your involvement with Battle Rap come about?
Well I won every freestyle tournament there is to win in Chicago / Milwaukee Grillz N Skillz, Scribble Jam Prelims, Mic Club Tournament, Rhyme Spitters etc. I went undefeated until I finally took my first loss at scribble jam but that's when I was asked to be part of a league called Grindtime. From there I went on to travel to Canada, Australia and England to dominate battles.

Are you working on any new projects (albums, mixtapes) or collabs?
I have a new project called MMXVII (2017) dropping with Soleternity before the end of the year and it is pretty much the tightest project you'll hear. We hit a lot of different styles and it's some unheard of shit.

Is there anything you want your fans to know about you?
I want everyone to know that despite my battle rap persona, I'm actually a really nice person and I LOVE TO PLAY VIDEOGAMES! League of Legends, Counter-Strike and Quake just to name a few favorites. I was even sponsored back in the day and won a bit of money playing.

                                                                                    "Keep it squeaky!" -Fresco

Be sure to watch out for Fresco's upcoming project titled "MMXVII (2017)".
You can add him on twitter here